What’s Up with my Life

It’s been some time since I have posted anything on my blog. I’m trying to get back into the hang of things again so you should be hearing more from me. Tyler Bryant, a great friend, assisted me for years with the design of the blog. However, his heavy schedule will not permit him to continue. Thanks, Tyler, for all your help. I appreciate it much!

My days are joyfully filled with recruiting and mentoring the next generation of short-term missionaries for the United Pentecostal Church International. If I could live my life over again I would spend it as a missionary. Since that isn’t possible I’m going to spend the rest of my life mentoring others that can go. This involves being actively involved in the short-term missionary programs we have in Global Missions. There is still a big portion of the world to reach and we need to mobilize thousands of people to do it.

I’m thinking the scope and emphasis on my blog will be just that: missions mentoring.

Thanks for taking the journey with me.
