The Dreamers that Rocked my World

Three and one half minutes rocked the world. The memorable rendezvous was January 21, 2009. It was the day that, out of obscurity, Susan Boyle, with her Celtic twang, encumbered by learning difficulties and shyness, stepped onto the stage of Britain’s Got Talent in Glasgow.  She literally shocked the panel, and mocking crowd, when she started to sing eight words, “I dreamed a dream in time gone by….” One of the judges gave her the biggest yes ever awarded in three years of the contest. She captured and then liberated the hearts of millions. There have been more than three hundred million hits on the YouTube video incarcerating those short moments. Susan’s “I Dreamed a Dream” holds the global record for the most preordered albums of all time. She defied preconceptions, probabilities, and set the stage for anyone and everyone with a dream.

About eight weeks ago my wife and I stepped off the plane in Guam and met fourteen young dreamers. Over the next three weeks of classroom instruction and interaction each of you, in your own way, crawled into our hearts, and took residency in our hope for the future. Then, after we left Guam to return to the States, you continued on to a further fruitful time of ministry for another five weeks. You—we—became family. As you pack your bags and leave in the next few hours, I know tears will be flowing in Guam. But, I also know there are a few tears flowing here in St. Louis as well. We love you! We believe in you!

Next Steps participants 2015, Brother and Sister Brott (our wonderful team leaders), Brother and Sister DeGuzman and Pacific Revival Center; Brother and Sister Prieto and Apostolic Bible Fellowship; Brother and Sister Buckland (Regional Directors, Pacific); Angie Clark; other instructors; and Sister Pat Morgan (faithfully working behind the scenes here at World Evangelism Center)—thank you for all you have done to make Next Steps 2015 such an overwhelming success.

As I prayed for you this morning a song softly pumped its lyrics through my earphones, “Spread your dreams and fly away.” That’s it! Spread your dreams, all across this world, as you fly away today. Fly into your future! Fly as high as God’s Spirit wants to take you! You rocked my world. I know that you can rock the world, at large, as well!

Thank you for being the dreamers that rocked my world!